Umnea Umnea


  • الهدف من الموقع: زواج عادي
  • دولة الإقامة: دولة اخرى
  • دولة الاصل: دولة اخرى
  • العمر: 27-23
  • التعليم: تعليم جامعي
  • المهنة: صاحب اعمال خاصة
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: اعزب
  • هل لديك اطفال: لا


  • لون العين: بني
  • لون الشعر: كستنائي
  • الطول: متوسط
  • الوزن: ضعيف

طرق الاتصال


معلومات الاتصال

  • البريد الالكتروني: ******
  • واتساب: ******

هذه الخدمة مخصصة فقط للاعضاء للحصول على معلومات الاتصال لهذا المشترك عليك بالتسجيل او الدخول.

تحدث عن نفسك

... I imagine a fresh autumn day, I hear the rustle of multicolored leaves falling down to the ground, I breathe in chilly air, but I'm not cold. I feel the warmth of the hand of my man, I sens his presence and strong cuddle... I keep silence, as I'm completely happy...I see his happiness of mutual love and feeling my soul mate next to me...

Yes, dear, I'm very romantic, and I see this vision so often, that is seems it is already a reality. I'm looking for that special and the only one person who will make this dream of mine truly feel that adsolute happiness. I like to enjoy this world and this life, I love nature and adore kids. I already see myself as a mother though I may seem to be young for that.

But believe me, it is never too late and never too early to be happy.

اوصف الشخص اللذي تبحث عنه

I see my man as my soul equal partner and friend, and I want our relations to be based on partnership and mutual understanding. I want him to be passionate and devoted, caring and affectionate. I would like him to have a great sense of humor as I appreciate that quality. Sincerity must be an essential feature of his character. It would be great if he is not afraid of dream and put those dreams to life. I want to dream with him and create a happy fair tail of our life long relations!!!!

اخر تواجد في الموقع: 22/06/2012

عدد مرات الدخول: 21 مرة

عدد زوار البيانات: 127157 مرة